Ann Dolbier
If our live cycles fall within the Celtic Cycle of Life, then I fall into Samhain the season for rest and refreshment. I have been blessed with a wonderful, long life. One filled with adventure, sadness, love, learning and joy.
As a young child I was introduced to God. Others told me about “Him” and told me what to believe. Along the way, though, I began to experience, spiritually, a different Divine reality. My childhood god didn’t make it through college as I studied science. College god didn’t make it very long either as I confronted the reality of life.
Every aspect of my life falls within the Celtic Wheel. Imbolc and awakening to new life. Beltane, education, planting the seeds for the future. Lammas, a time of great productivity, birthing and raising my babies, a career in medicine, beginning to comprehend the meaning of loss. Finally, I was introduced to Celtic Spirituality and all of what I knew of the Divine, instinctively and experientially, was now validated. In blogging, Celtic Way has given me a way to share my story. No need to be super productive but still able to use my life experiences to help others.