Lent, the Wilderness, and Celtic Christianity
How is Celtic Christianity inviting me into this Lenten season? My first engagement with church happened within the context of American...

What the Owls Are Saying
A pair of great horned owls lives in the meadow just beyond my porch, and I’ve taken to checking in with those wisdom birds when my life...

Behold, It Is Good
…And God saw everything that God had made, and behold, it was very good. This phrase is repeated several times throughout the Christian...

I remember this. Or at least days like this. This is the kind of frigid which is much deeper than just plain cold. If you pulled on one...

Thin Places: Black History Month & the Agonizing Jesus
It was one of those spaces that Celtic people might refer to as “Thin”. The Last Supper was over, but Jesus hadn’t been arrested yet. He...